I would like to travel somewhere, but I don't know where to go.
There are 2 options: Scotland and Corfu.
I have a dilemma because both countries are beautiful. Which country would you choose?

The question is not easy to answer. I have been to 23 countries so far, and actually I have been to Scotland AND Greece. Both countries are amazing.
Let's see the the pros and cons!

Nyelvtani magyarázat I have been to Scotland - jártam/voltam már Skóciában I have been to Greece - jártam/voltam már Görögországban I have been to Xxx - jártam/voltam már Xxx-ban I have seen - láttam (már, eddig életemben) I have visited - meglátogattam (már, eddig életemben) (have + 3. alak: Ezt használd, mikor az szeretnéd kifejezni, h csináltál már/ eddig életedben valamit, elmondhatod magadról, h van ilyen tapasztalatod!)
pro Scotland
1. I have been to Scotland, but I haven't visited Skye Island, so Skye Island could be a good choice. The mountains are so majestic... Have a look at the 5th photo! Isn't that scenery stunning?
2. Scotland is perfect for an active holiday. It is maybe the best choice in Europe if you like trekking in autumn, and you enjoy the colours of this season (yellow, orange, red, brown).
3. People in Scotland are welcoming and friendly. (really friendly!)
We have talked to random people at the train station. (they asked: "Oh, can I give you a lift?")
We have talked to random people in the city centre. (they asked: "Oh, are you lost? I can help you.")
We have chatted with fast food restaurant workers. (they made this food below. Jummy... what a dinner it was!)

pro Corfu
1. I have been to Greece but haven't been to any islands in Greece. This time I could discover a beautiful island. There are approx. 6,000 islands in Greece. The most famous ones are: Corfu, Crete, Zakynthos, Santorini, Cyprus, Rhodes, Kefalonia... etc.
I like Corfu the best. Have a look at the 4th and the 5th pictures! Those are the most beautiful tourist spots in Corfu: Canal d’Amour and Paleokastritsa beach.
2. Corfu is perfect for a relaxing holiday: sunshine, beach, blue water. The program would be sunbathing, swimming and snorkeling. Snorkeling is a cool activity: you can see some fish under the water.
3. The food is extraordinary in Greece! Their salads with home-made olive oil taste great. Their tomatoes are juicy and delicious (much better than in Germany, haha). Besides that, they eat a lot of seafood (fish, shrimps, squid, calamari, octopus...). I love seafood! <3
As you can see, there are so many pros for both countries...
Now let's see the cons!

contra Scotland
1. They drive on the left. It can be difficult if you are not an experienced driver. Well... I have never driven on the left.
2. The weather is changeable. If you are lucky, the weather will be sunny. If you have no luck, it will rain, so you can't see much from the majestic scenery.
3. Scottish accent! Have you ever talked to Scottish people? Crazy.... Did you know? They have some special words. For example: They don't say "yes", they say "aye".
Tip: If you like challenges, and you are into sick movies, watch Trainspotting 2 (18+), and have fun understanding their Scottish accent!
contra Corfu
1. The country is not so clean. The hotel rooms and the streets are dirty, and you often see skinny cats. They look for food in the trash.
2. The program would be: eating, sleeping, swimming, sunbathing. Isn't it boring? But to be frank, I have never had a boring beach holiday. Have you?
3. There are many tourists in Corfu, so the beaches might be crowded. Well... "crowded" is relative. I have lived in China, therefore I have seen extremely crowded places. Corfu is probably not that bad.
So, which country would YOU choose? Scotland or Corfu?

Fingers crossed for a holiday soon!
(a "Covid-free" one!)
Glossary actually - tulajdonképpen both - mindkettő island - sziget majestic - méltóságteljes scenery - táj stunning = amazing breathtaking - lélegzetelállító trekking - túrázás experienced driver - tapasztalt sofőr accent - akcentus skinny - csontsovány to be frank = to be honest crowded - zsúfolt probably - valószínűleg fingers crossed - akkor használod, ha azt szeretnéd kifejezni, h remélsz valamit, vagy szorítasz valakinek, pl. egy vizsgához
Példamondatok To be frank, the hotel was quite dirty. - Őszintén szólva, elég koszos volt a hotel. It is not a good idea, to be frank. - Ez nem jó ötlet, meg kell mondjam. Fingers cross for a safe journey! - Reméljük, h biztonságos lesz az út. I cross my fingers for you! - Szorítok neked!
Tetszett ez a történet?
Ha igen, mutasd meg másnak is, hadd örüljön neki, hadd tanuljon belőle! Ha nem, mondd el nekem! :) írd meg, miről olvasnál szívesen.

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