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Made by Mother Earth

Updated: Apr 14, 2024

- What’s for lunch?

- Meat and vegetables.

- Cooked by mother?

- Not exactly. Cooked by Mother Earth.

- What hocus-pocus is it?

- It is not something hocus-pocus. It is geothermal energy. Come, I will show you the kitchen of Mother Earth...

Welcome to Furnas!

Furnas is a town on Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal.

There are some volcanos on the island. But don’t worry, those are not dangerous ones. There are no volcanic eruptions. (A volcanic eruption is a natural disaster: you know, when hot lava comes out of the volcano.)


There is a volcanic lake in Furnas.

It is pretty nice, by the way. You can even kayak on it.

Geothermal activity can be observed around that lake.

What does that mean? It means that there are hot rocks deep inside the Earth. This heat is unthinkable for humans: it can be as hot as 6000 degrees Celsius. The rocks heat up the water --> The water is not water anymore. It is steam (=water hotter than 100 degrees Celsius).

The steam wants to come out. --> Small vents (=openings, holes) are created on the surface. Those vents are called „fumaroles”.

Look, steam is coming out of the fumaroles: 

The steam doesn’t smell apetizing. There is sulphur in it. (The chemical symbol of sulphur is "S" in the periodic table.)

Tip: If you are interested in geothermal activities, read about Yellowstone National Park! I think you know this famous place: the blue-green-yellow-orange hot spring. It is called the Grand Prismatic Spring.

The park is visited by over 3 million tourists every year.

The kitchen of Mother Earth

Back to Furnas. The town has a traditional dish: „Cozido”.

It is not special because of the ingredients. It is special because of the cooking method: Cozido is cooked in geothermal heat!


What are the ingredients?

- Meat: chicken, pork, beef - Processed meat: bacon, sausage, black pudding* - Vegetables: potato, sweet potato, cabbage, carrot, kohlrabi - Seasonings: yam, salt

Tell me about the cooking method!

Abracadabra... The food is brought (bring, brought, brought) to a place near the extremely hot fumaroles. Let's say that place is Mother Earth's kitchen. As the picture shows, many holes are dug (dig, dug, dug) in the ground there. Cozido is cooked in those holes. It is not extremely hot down there but still very warm (approx. 80-90 degrees Celsius), so the temperature is perfect to cook food slowly. Now you can imagine that those holes are the ovens in Mother Earth's big kitchen.

Isn't it cool to cook with geothermal energy? You've got no gas bill or electricity bill. :)

Nyelvtani magyarázat: passzív Erre a kínai példára gondolj mindig, h emlékezz a a passzív szerkezetre: it is made in China – ez Kínában van csinálva (magyarosan: Kínában gyártva) Cozido is cooked – Cozido van főzve (főzik) the park is visited - a park van látogatva (látogatják) vents are created – nyílások vannak kreálva (keletkeznek) they are called fumaroles – ők fumaroláknak vannak hívva (hívják őket) activity can be observed – tevékenység tud lenni megfigyelve (figyelhető meg) the pot must be carried - a fazék kell cipelve legyen (cipelni kell) the food will be served - az étel fog tálalva lenni (tálalva lesz)

Observe how passive is used! Figyeld meg, hogy "van használva a passzív" (hogy használják a passzívot) az alábbi szövegben.

How is Cozido made? (PASSIVE)

The meat is chopped into smaller chunks. They are not chopped into as small pieces as meat for a typical Hungarian gulash. The sausages are cut into 10 cm pieces.

The vegetables are washed first. They are peeled second. They are cut into halves third. (= 1 half, 2 halves)

The ingredients are put into a huge pot. The proportions are checked. (For example 0,8 kg beef, 8 carrots, etc...) Some seasonings are added to it.

The pot is carefully covered.

The Cozido pot is brought (bring, brought, brought) to a place near the fumaroles. It is not just big. It is heavy. Two men must carry it. The pot is carefully placed into the hole. Then it is buried. The pot is left (leave, left, left) there for 7 hours.

Most olvasd el ugyanezt a folyamatot aktívban. Figyelj, exra info! Odaírtam, h ki végzi a cselekvést. Néhány eszköz is felbukkan.

How do chefs make Cozido? (ACTIVE)

The kitchen assistant chops the meat into smaller chunks. He doesn't chop the meat into as small pieces as meat for a typical Hungarian gulash. He cuts the sausages into 10 cm pieces. He uses a sharp knife. He washes the vegetables first. He peels them second. He cuts them into halves third.(= 1 half, 2 halves)

The chef puts everything into a huge pot. He checks if all the ingredients are there in the right proportion. (For example 0,8 kg beef, 8 carrots, etc...) Finally he adds some seasonings to it. He uses a teaspoon to add salt.

The kitchen assistant covers the pot with a large kitchen towel.

Two strong men bring the Cozido pot to a place near the fumaroles. The pot is not just big. It is heavy. That is why two men must carry it. They place the pot carefully into the hole. They use long metal sticks, because the hole is deep and hot. Then they bury it with a hoe. They leave the pot there for 7 hours.

Figyeld meg, h miként cifrázod a passzív szerkezetet. by - valaki által csinálva with - valamivel csinálva the pot is buried by two men - két ember által van betemetve a fazék (két ember temeti be) the pot is buried with a hoe - kapával van betemetve a fazék (kapával temetik be)

How is Cozido made by Mother Earth? (PASSIVE, by, with)

The meat is chopped into smaller chunks by the kitchen assistant. They are not chopped into as small pieces as for a typical Hungarian gulash. The sausages are cut into 10 cm pieces. They are chopped with a sharp knife. The vegetables are washed first by the kitchen assistant. They are peeled second. They are cut into halves third. (=1 half, 2 halves)

Everything is put into a huge pot by the chef. The proportions are checked by the chef, (for example 0,8 kg beef, 8 carrots, etc...) because he knows the recipe. Some seasonings are added to it with a teaspoon.

The pot is covered by the kichen assistant with a large kichen towel.

The Cozido pot is brought to the place near the fumaroles by two strong men. The pot is not just big. It is heavy. That is why it must be carried by two men. The hole is deep and hot. The pot is carefully placed into the hole with long metal sticks. Then the pot gets buried with a hoe. It is left there for 7 hours.

I am hungry. What’s next?

The food is cooked with the help of geothermal energy. It is a slow process, so you have to wait. Be patient! :) After 7 hours the two men come again. The pot is dug out, then it is brought to a restaurant, where it will be served by a friendly waiter.

Cozido is served with Kima, the local maracuja soft drink.

Enjoy your meal!

Hmmm... not bad. Well done, Mother Earth!

Glossary Mother Earth - Földanya volcanic eruption - vulkánkitörés natural disaster - természeti katasztrófa unthinkable - un,think,able - elképzelhetetlen vent - nyílás surface - felszín steam - gőz fumarole- fumarola apetizing - étvágygerjesztő sulphur - kén (S) chemical symbol - vegyjel periodic table - periódusos rendszer heat (főnév) - hő heat / heat up (ige) - fűt, hevít, melegít place (főnév) - hely place (ige) - helyezni processed meat - feldolgozott hús black pudding - olyasmi, mint a véres hurka yam - yamgyökér chunk - darab proportion - arány near - közel far - távol oven - sütő hoe - kapa kichen towel - konyharuha patient - türelmes waiter - pincér Enjoy your meal! - Jó étvágyat!

Tanulj meg angolul és lépd át a határaidat!

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